enhance features, feel younger

Dermal Fillers pgh

dermal fillers are aesthetic injections designed to reinstate facial harmony. These injections effectively diminish or erase wrinkles, elevate scar depressions and superficial fine lines, enhance specific features, and address soft-tissue volume loss.

Our skilled practitioners utilize dermal fillers to achieve naturally appealing results in conjunction with neuromodulators such as Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin. This strategic combination is applied to sculpt the jawline and lower face, rectify and replenish volume loss in the midface and cheek areas, and address depressions resulting from scars and wrinkles.

dermal fillers near me

Are you ready to enhance your natural beauty and reverse the signs of aging? Try Dermal Fillers at Lush Distinctions. Beaver Area residents come to us for their non-surgical aesthetic treatments. We specialize in curating unique treatment plans to deliver exceptional results for every patient.

For a complimentary consultation, please contact us at (833) 681-4619. Discover the non-invasive approach to achieving a stunning complexion made possible with Dermal Filler treatments.

treatable areas

Treatable Areas with Dermal Filler:

✓ Lips
✓ Cheeks
✓ Nasolabial Folds
✓ Chin
✓ Jawline
✓ Perioral Lines/Marionettes
✓ Smokers Lines

how dermal fillers work

The top providers of Dermal fillers in Beaver utilize hyaluronic acid and other substances, such as poly-L-lactic acid. This effective combination works to reduce the signs of aging by filling in fine lines and wrinkles. Additionally, it adds volume to areas of the face affected by volume loss, restoring youthful contours and proportions.

why we love it

✓ Feel younger
✓ Helps improve a number of imperfections
✓ Little to no downtime
✓ Anti- aging benefits
✓ Reduce fine lines + wrinkles
✓ Restores volume
✓ Improve under eye bags
✓ Correct volume loss in the midface/cheek areas

Dermal Filler PGH Cost

the cost of revance rha is different for everyone. The cost depends on the treatment and application areas (such as lip fillers or chin fillers), the number of injections, and if you combine fillers with other treatments like Botox. The best way to receive a personal treatment cost is to schedule a complimentary consultation with Lush Distinctions. During your visit, you speak one-on-one with an injection specialist. They listen to your goals and create a plan for achieving aesthetic goals and dramatic skin rejuvenation.

Dermal Fillers Results

the results from most dermal fillers are temporary, comonly lasting from a few 12 to 18 months. The duration of the filler depends on the type of filler used, the goal of the treatment, and the area(s) injected. For optimal results, additional treatment sessions may be advised.

Dermal Fillers Effects

some of the most comon side effects following treatment include, but are not limited to: bruising at injection site, numbness, and temporary redness, swelling, pain/tenderness, or discoloration. Cosmetic injections require very minimal downtime, allowing patients to return to work and their normal activities soon after treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Dermal Fillers use hyaluronic acid as well as other substances such as poly-l-lactic acid, to diminish the signs of aging by filling in fine lines and wrinkles and adding volume to areas of the face affected by volume loss, restoring youthful contours and proportions.

What are Dermal Fillers Beaver?

Dermal Fillers are cosmetic injections used to restore facial harmony by reducing or eliminating wrinkles, raising scar depressions and superficial fines lines, enhancing certain features and replacing soft-tissue volume loss.

Dermal Fillers are used for in conjunction with neuromodulators, like Botox, dysport, and xeomin, to contour the jawline/lower face, correct volume loss in the midface/cheek areas, and treat depressions caused by scars and wrinkles. we may also use facial fillers to help balance out asymmetry and deformities caused by medical conditions such as bells palsy.

Learn more about Botox from Lush Distinctions Medspa

Before your procedure avoid taken medication that thins the blood such as Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Aleve,Vitamin E, fish oil, ginger, gingko biloba, and green tea, for 7-10 days prior to treatment in order to reduce the risk of bruising.

How long does the typical Dermal Fillers procedure take?

The average length of the cosmetic injections of Dermal Fillers is about 15-45 minutes per session depending on the individual, goal of treatment, and the number of areas being treated.

Are there any side effects associated with the Dermal Filler procedure?

Some of the most comon side effects following treatment include, but are not limited to: bruising at injection site, numbness, and temporary redness, swelling, pain/tenderness, or discoloration. Cosmetic injections require very minimal downtime, allowing patients to return to work and their normal activities soon after treatment.

The average length of the cosmetic injections of Dermal Fillers is about 15-45 minutes per session depending on the individual, goal of treatment, and the number of areas being treated.

Some of the most comon side effects following treatment include, but are not limited to: bruising at injection site, numbness, and temporary redness, swelling, pain/tenderness, or discoloration. Cosmetic injections require very minimal downtime, allowing patients to return to work and their normal activities soon after treatment.

Our Botox/Dysport/Xeomin treatments are customized to preserve your expression, while minimizing wrinkles without “freezing” the face.

The dermal fillers we use are not permanent, but do stimulate collagen over time, thereby changing your aging path starting with your first treatment. Various types of fillers are available; each is designed with one or several purposes, such as wrinkle reduction or lip augmentation. The professionals at lush distinctions can help you determine which type of injections and what injectable filler treatments are right for you. Many of the natural fillers we use are composed of Hyaluronic acid, a substance that is naturally produced in our bodies. 

The results from most dermal fillers are temporary, commonly lasting about a year. The duration of the filler depends on the type of filler used, the goal of the treatment, and the area(s) injected. For optimal results, additional treatment sessions may be advised.

What Our Clients Are Saying